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Personnel Academy

PERAC For a better future.

Certification Program

Our certification programs, whose international validity has been provided by the accreditation chain, have been prepared for many management systems.

Personnal Training

PERAC offers new skills training to increase employee productivity

Courses / Exams

For information about approved training and exam dates.

About Us

Perac, is a recognized certificate training institution. It provides both skill and certificate training for various management systems. Our trainings offer employees with the knowledge and skills they need to be more productive.

Approved Courses

Our certification programs, whose international validity has been ensured by the accreditation chain, have been prepared for many different management systems.

Personnel Training

PERAC offers skills training that will enable you to gain new competencies. New skills and perspectives are needed to be part of the solution and to create added value.

We are ready to work together for your Approved Certificate Program

Earning an accredited personnel certification plays an important role in demonstrating your professional competence.